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24 Sep 2019

Bribery Act 2010 (UK): A Compliance Guide

This guide provides an overview of the main principles and requirements under the UK Bribery Act 2010. It explains how to both prevent and deal with bribery from the perspective of NGOs. The guide was developed by A4ID’s Legal Partner, Reed Smith LLP, to accompany a training on Bribery & Corruption delivered to A4ID’s Development Partners in September 2019.

Bribery Act 2010 (UK)_A Compliance Guide

8 May 2018

GDPR Training (April 2018)

This series of PowerPoint slides will cover some of the key provisions of the GDPR and outline some practical steps required to prepare for GDPR compliance. These slides accompanied the training event facilitated by A4ID and delivered by Mayer Brown on 24 April 2018.

GDPR Training Event by A4ID and Mayer Brown, 24 April 2018

13 Jun 2017

EU Trade Guide

This guide provides key considerations to importing goods into the EU from the perspective of the trade and customs rules and the product regulatory requirements.

EU Trade Guide

13 Jun 2017

US Trade Guide

This guide outlines the principles, processes, and requirements for importing merchandise into the United States.

US Trade Guide

12 Apr 2017

Brexit Briefing: Environmental Law (July 2017)

This guide identifies key legal considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to environmental law and policy.

Brexit Briefing on UK Environmental Law

7 Feb 2017

EU Registration Options for NGOs: Preparing UK-based NGOs for Brexit

This guide outlines the main legal forms available to NGOs in Belgium, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Spain. It is part of A4ID’s support to UK NGOs considering their options as a result of the UK referendum decision to leave the EU.

EU Registration Options for NGOs

3 Jan 2017

What Lawyers Can Do About Climate Change

This paper relates to a joint A4ID/KCL workshop that examined climate change from a legal perspective.

The workshop was motivated by the developing reality that ‘climate change law’ is now extending beyond high-level international negotiations, environmental frameworks and legal campaigning to infiltrate daily legal practice and adjudicatory proceedings through a variety of legal sub-disciplines.

What Lawyers Can Do About Climate Change


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