Social Impact Investing: The Role of Lawyers
Presentations given at a Responsible Business Knowledge Group event on the role of lawyers in social impact investing
In the first part of the presentation, Andy Lower (Executive Director of The Eleos Foundation) and Michelle Peters (Dechert LLP) provide an introduction to social impact investments and consider how they can be structured to ensure the minimisation of risk and effective use of funds. Andy Lowers introduces the work of The Eleos Foundation in funding pro-poor social impact projects and Michelle Peters outlines the US-specific advice she provided The Eleos Foundation.
In the second part of this presentation, Rhianydd Griffith (Reed Smith LLP) and Ranajoy Basu (Reed Smith LLP) give a detailed overview of examples and the structure of impact investment funds and social impact bonds and highlight the many ways in which lawyers play an important advisory role at a number of stages in the life of the investment.
Watch the presentation – part 1
Watch the presentation – part 2