18 Oct 2016 - by A4ID

Launch of A4ID’s online defamation training

On 18 October 2016 A4ID launched its free e-learning resources on English defamation law for advocacy and campaigning organisations at Matrix Chambers.

A4ID has developed a suite of free online resources on English defamation law, with content written and presented by barristers from Matrix Chambers.

“We designed this training particularly with campaigning and advocacy NGOs in mind. We know they are regularly publishing materials that need to be reviewed for defamation risks so they want many of their staff to be familiar with the law in this area. It is not enough to wait until a publication is complete to think about preventing claims of defamation,” said Elisabeth Baraka, Head of Partnerships and Legal Services, who managed the development of the training.

The training does not assume any existing legal knowledge and can be completed any time by all relevant staff. Although aimed at NGOs, the package may also be useful for anyone publishing material that exposes corruption and human rights breaches by individuals or companies with some connection to England & Wales.

The training includes modules on what defamation is and what its elements are, defences against claims, how to avoid and respond to claims. It also has a quiz and a downloadable checklist which can be used on completion of the training when analysing any publication day-to-day.

The training is free and can be accessed here.

A4ID acknowledges the funding from the Legal Education Foundation which supported the development of this training. Particular thanks to Guy Vassall-Adams QC and Aidan Wills, the barristers from Matrix Chambers who wrote the content of the training.

For further information, please contact Elisabeth Baraka.