A4ID Development Partners receive funding from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund
On 4 August 2016, A4ID’s Deputy Head of Partnerships and Legal Services, Joe Tan, was invited to attend an innovation retreat at Oxford University’s Said Business School as a Legal Advisor for ELHRA Humanitarian Innovation Fund’s ‘Accelerating the Journey to Scale’ Initiative.
Nine organisations from the humanitarian sector competed for a chance to receive funding from the Humanitarian Innovation Fund, along with mentoring and tailored support to scale up their projects and make them a reality. A4ID is at the forefront of facilitating pro bono legal support for the development and humanitarian sector and Joe was on hand to demonstrate how humanitarian organisations are able to use the law more effectively in the scaling up process.
Two of the chosen three winners this year are A4ID Development Partners. A4ID congratulates two of its Development Partners, The Panzi Foundation and Translators Without Borders, who have been chosen as worthy winners for their outstanding contribution to the humanitarian sector and international development generally.
The Panzi Foundation
‘Healing in Harmony’ is Panzi’s innovative and holistic healing model which uses music therapy to assist survivors of sexualized violence and traumatised populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The programme has demonstrated statistically significant results in reducing levels of anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder through its unique approach.
Translators Without Borders
‘Words of Relief’ is the only service of its kind, bridging language barriers to facilitate two-way communication between humanitarian aid providers and crisis-affected populations, in order to improve access to life-saving information, and increase the effectiveness of humanitarian response. Using a combination of human and technological resources, WoR makes vital linguistic support available, in the language of affected populations, immediately and in real time after sudden onset crises and throughout protracted responses.
For further information on the award and the other entries, please see ELRHA website here.