EU registration options for NGOs – Preparing UK-based NGOs for Brexit
Tuesday, 21 February 2017 from 15:00 to 17:00
NCVO, Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London N1 9RL
Why attend?
With the prospect of Brexit looming, some international development NGOs currently based in the UK are considering whether to establish an additional or alternative presence in the EU. For some, this is because they wish to continue successful partnerships with the EU on international development goals. Others wish to remain engaged in EU-led debates and processes. This event will explore the options for registration as an NGO or social enterprise in four countries in Europe so you can decide which may be suitable for your organisation.
What will you learn?
Lawyers from Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Spain will provide a summary of the key options in each country and some of the current issues to consider before registering your organisation there. Practical considerations for UK-based NGOs thinking of moving their main or only presence to another country will also be provided by a UK lawyer and experienced NGO manager. A significant period will be allowed for questions from the audience. You will find the session of most benefit if you have already read A4ID’s guide on this topic, at least in relation to the countries that are of interest to you. This will be published on A4ID’s website shortly and circulated to registered attendees prior to the event.
Who should attend?
Please note this event is for NGOs, international development charities, and social enterprises working in human rights or international development, not for lawyers working outside those organisations.
How to register?
The event is free. To secure a place you must register in advance through Eventbrite.
Please arrive at 14:45 to allow time to get to the room for a prompt start at 3pm.
Alice Murphy – Senior Associate, Mason Hayes & Curran, Ireland
Aliresa Fatemi – Senior Associate, Shearman & Sterling, Germany
Astrid Mayer – Associate, Shearman & Sterling, Germany
Elisabeta Perez-Arda – Associate, White & Case, Spain
Marleen Denef – Partner, Curia Lawyers, Belgium
Stephanie Biden – Partner, Bates Wells Braithwaite, UK
Karl Wilding – Director of Public Policy and Volunteering, NCVO
Some speakers will be appearing by Skype.