Yasmin Batliwala will be speaking in March about some of the work A4ID has been doing in respect to gender equality and gender mainstreaming.
As part of our Business and Human Rights Knowledge Group series of 2019, Advocates for International Development is delighted to invite you to a panel discussion:
The topic for 2016 was the Modern Slavery Act.
Targets 10.1 By 2030, progressively achieve and sustain income growth of the bottom 40 per cent of the population at a rate higher than the national average 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or other status 10.3 Ensure equal […]
From 23 – 26 November 2015, A4ID CEO Yasmin Batliwala attended the Commonwealth People’s Forum – a gathering of third and public sector professionals from across the Commonwealth.
I am reflecting on this day while I am in India, at a time when the country has been provoked into thinking about women by the unlikely combination of a female British journalist and one of the gang of Delhi 2012 rapists.
When Nyamizi’s husband died she was accused of witchcraft and forced from her home. Our legal partners have worked with HelpAge International to recommend legal protections for vulnerable people.
Russia’s anti-gay laws have received global criticism in the run up to the Winter Olympics in Sochi. There have been worldwide demonstrations about laws such as Russia’s ban on ‘non-traditional’ sexuality: which has been viewed as an attack on gay rights. As a result of this law it is now illegal to provide information about homosexuality to under 18 year olds.
UK lawyers working through international pro bono charity Advocates for International Development (A4ID) have provided vital assistance to a Cambodian human rights charity working to provide legal protection to LGBT people in the country.