A4ID’s legal partners collaborate to create a world class, specialist environmental court of law that is adapted to the local Ethiopian context.
A4ID’s partners collaborated to secure a ground-breaking victory on locus standi in environmental matters in Mauritius.
A4ID’s partners collaborate to support sustainable development and offer a new source of hope for the future of Virunga National Park.
With support from the legal community in advocating and implementing gender-sensitive approaches to climate action, rural women in the Philippines have the potential to build the resilience of their communities to the increasingly severe impacts of climate change. Contrary to what meets the eye, climate change is far from a gender-neutral phenomenon. Women, and particularly […]
Green Finance refers to raising capital and financial investments for companies, services and products that have a positive environmental impact. But how suitable are green bonds as an instrument for providing the funding needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before 2030? It is estimated that the world needs to raise US$5-6 trillion […]
Edward Millett questions whether the law can help financial institutions make the transition to environmentally responsible investment.
This guide identifies key legal considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to environmental law and policy. Brexit Briefing on UK Environmental Law
This paper relates to a joint A4ID/KCL workshop that examined climate change from a legal perspective. The workshop was motivated by the developing reality that ‘climate change law’ is now extending beyond high-level international negotiations, environmental frameworks and legal campaigning to infiltrate daily legal practice and adjudicatory proceedings through a variety of legal sub-disciplines. What […]
The topic for 2016 was climate change litigation.
Targets 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into national policies, strategies and planning 13.3 Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning 13.a Implement the commitment undertaken by developed-country parties to the United Nations Framework […]