As part of its Responsible Business Programme, A4ID in partnership with EALS (East Africa Law Society) is organising a series of webinars that aims at building the capacity of lawyers in East Africa to support businesses in upholding responsible business practices. Working in collaboration with national bar associations, global leading law firms and other stakeholders from East Africa, A4ID seeks to create awareness among commercial lawyers and in-house counsel on the international legal framework they can rely on.
A4ID’s partners collaborated to secure a ground-breaking victory on locus standi in environmental matters in Mauritius.
A4ID’s ROLE UK Programme commissioned this mapping report to better understand and disseminate learning on the landscape of business and human rights in East Africa.
An interview with Commissioner Jedidah Wakonyo Waruhiu of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.
A4ID partners work to ensure continued access to education for Ethiopian girls
Equity for Tanzania Limited – EFTA
Windle International
The Tanzania Federation of Disabled People’s Organizations (SHIVYAWATA)
Sea Users Association