During September 2019, A4ID launched the first of a regular series of Global Development Legal Clinics* in partnership with Latham & Watkins LLP.
A4ID is delighted to be working in partnership East Africa Law Society (EALS) to provide training and workshops on business and human rights for lawyers in Uganda and Tanzania. On this occasion Allen and Overy (A&O), are providing their expertise pro bono in delivering training in these workshops.
A4ID has partnered with the premier regional Bar Association in East Africa, the East Africa Law Society (EALS) to run professional development workshops on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), which set out the international standards on businesses’ responsibility to respect human rights.
A4ID has partnered with EALS to run professional development workshops on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
This guide explores some of the impacts of Brexit on UK based international development organisations in relation to financing agreements. Brexit Briefing Impact on Finance
This guide outlines key considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to intellectual property rights. Brexit Briefing Impact on Intellectual Property Rights
This guide outlines key considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to tax. Brexit Briefing Impact on Tax matters
This guide outlines key considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to data protection. Brexit Briefing Impact on Data Protection
This guide outlines key considerations for UK based international development organisations in light of Brexit in relation to contracts and choice of law. Brexit Briefing: Contracts and Choice of Law
The Future Lawyers’ Training Programme introduces law students to international development.