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22 Jan 2014

Guide to establishing non-profit organisations in Australia

In Australia, non-profit organisations (whether charities or not) are normally established in one of three ways: companies, trusts and incorporated associations.

However, incorporated associations are specifically for organisations that are going to operate just within one of the Australian states. Therefore, in practice, non-profit organisations seeking to establish in Australia should think of starting as a company or as a trust.

Australia Non-Profit Legal Guide 2014

22 Jul 2012

Strategic litigation and its role in promoting and protecting human rights

Strategic litigation is litigation with a particular purpose: to advance an agenda broader than one specific case, usually aimed at effecting systemic change. This can be either by setting legal precedent, or by drawing attention to the case as a method of highlighting perceived injustice.

This legal guide provides a short overview of what strategic litigation is, under what circumstances it might be appropriate to pursue it, and what must be considered before embarking on it.

Strategic Litigation – Short Guide

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